Sunday, September 4, 2016

Feedback Thoughts

Constructive criticism is, for me, very hard to both give and receive. I think I am very prone to making very harsh criticism but I really hate hurting people's feelings or possibly discouraging someone from continuing to write. Other times, because I'm afraid of hurting someone, I tend to go too easy on projects and don't actually say anything useful. I know that I personally need to practice on keeping my tone just right so that I can give important information and hopefully help someone grow in their abilities without causing unnecessary distress.

As for receiving criticism, I tend to be sensitive to criticism that I know is true but often disregard comments that I believe are wrong or trying to correct something that I want to keep as it is. Sometimes I think that this is a strength because I am not so wishy-washy but other times I think that I need to open myself up more to different ideas. I know that anything I make public for people to see is going to be criticized and there's nothing I can do about that. I also know that criticism isn't always  bad, I simply have to keep reminding myself that critiques of my writing are not personal but a chance to learn, and that I'll never be done learning. I will always have room for improvement.

(An inspiring quote, Web Source)

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