Thursday, August 25, 2016

Introduction to a Dog Lover

My name is Danica. I’m a senior on my victory lap majoring in Anthropology with a minor in Religious Studies. I’ve had an adoration for myths, fables, nursery rhymes, and any kind of cultural stories since I was first able to read. In fact, the first book I was ever able to read was a big book of nothing but mother goose tales. My tastes are a bit more diverse now as I like to study all aspects of cultures and religion rather than just the stories. I’m looking forward to grad school next year and likely several more years of schooling ahead of me. I’ll expect I’ll end up a professor in the future if all goes well.
I was born in Oklahoma but I don’t consider myself an Okie. We moved away when I was five because my dad was in the Air Force (now retired). I lived in Germany, England, and Illinois for 4 years each before coming back to Oklahoma for college. During my college stint I also moved abroad to Japan during my sophomore year. I had a blast but I still don’t know any Japanese. Whoops!
            In addition to stories I absolutely adore dogs. My parents have two german shepherd dogs named Andromeda (after the mythological Greek princess) and Fenris (an alternate name for the Norse myth of the great wolf Fenrir). Can you tell I was allowed to choose their names? Now that I no longer live with them I have my own dog. She’s a corgi and I call her Ana which is short for Anarchy Dog. All of them are rescue dogs and I absolutely adore them!
            I also love swimming, reading, video games, dungeons and dragons (although I haven’t gotten to play in a while), science shows, philosophy, writing, punk music, and blogging. I love spicy food, sweet things, traveling, Netflix, and am currently dipping my toes into social and political theory. I have a bunch of mythology books and I’m ready for to start blogging about them.

Thank you for visiting my blog!

(original photos of my corgi Anarchy Dog)


  1. Oh, dogs named Andromeda and Fenris: that is so cool, Danica! And an Anarchy Dog: so cute. Cats are the true anarchists, of course. But Anarchy Dog just sounds good as a name for sure!

    I'm guessing you will have fun romping through the Freebookapalooza next week: that blog was my summer project, finding hundreds of myth free books online and grabbing their tables of contents so that the students in this class could browse, search, etc. This class can go so many different ways with all your interests: I am so curious know to see which way you will go! Here's that free book library if you want a sneak peek: Freebookapalooza

  2. Hi there! Thanks so much for the wonderfully nice comments. I appreciate it :) I find it amazing that you got the opportunity to travel to many amazing places. I’m really jealous, I haven’t been many places. A few oddball towns in Oklahoma, a few cities in Texas. I did live in California for about a year (best time of my life) and I have plans to take a cruise next summer. So, maybe I could catch up with you in places visited? Ha-ha, I can only hope! I have never played Dungeons and Dragons before, I have been curious about it, but I don’t know anyone that would be willing to give it a go with me! I’m an avid reader and a fellow fish, I could live in water! Also, a Netflix junkie and I haven’t recently taken a slew of WGS courses that were incredibly informative and eye opening. I have also taken Human Trafficking which in my own way has made me a strong advocate for equality and anti-slavery (I poste facts on social’s not much, but I think informing people helps a lot)

  3. Hello, Danica. I absolutely love your dog's names. I have a bulldog named Dozer (as in bull dozer)and two shit-zus names Toby and Lexi. I took an anthropology course while working towards my associates degree. I found it most interesting. You are very lucky to be so well traveled. Unfortunately I have never been out of the United States. I have always lived in Oklahoma. Becoming a professor is a very honorable career goal. Just think you will have the capacity to inspire others to follow their educational and career goals. I think that would be very rewarding. I am looking forward to reading one of your stories and other works throughout the semester. Feel free to check out my blog as well.

  4. Hey Danica, I can see you are a big fan of myths and fables, I was one too when I was much younger but unfortunately the studies I chose to follow did not give much free time. However taking this class is one good reason for me to enjoy them like I used to. It is pretty cool to see that you love to travel as well, I have visited many countries as well and I will never get tired from it. I enjoyed reading your introduction and good luck with the rest of your semester.

  5. Hi Danica!
    I am also an avid dog lover. Your dog is so cute! Once I have more time for a dog, and know where I’ll be living for more than a year, I will be adopting a dog. I love German shepherds and I am thinking about looking for one once I can adopt. I always loved learning about different cultures, especially ancient ones! It is such a great opportunity to learn about something we actually enjoy.

  6. Hi Danica! Wow, this is such an appropriate class for you. I’m glad you get to take it! Also, I enjoyed what you said about living in Japan for a while without actually picking up any Japanese. That sounds like something that it would be surprisingly easy to accidentally do. I’m curious as to whether or not you speak German after living there for four years.

    1. Nah I wish though. I was really young and the military cut our funding for things like german class which I did originally have in i think kindergarten and first grade. So like I can count to ten and I know a few basic words in german (mostly cognates) but that's all.

  7. Danica,

    It seems like this class will be right up your alley, you should also consider taking Epics of India. I also have a corgi, his name is Satchel. Anarchy is the right description for corgis, they can't handle it when they don't get their way in life. Thanks for sharing, and good luck with the rest of your upcoming semester.


  8. Danica,

    I love how interested you are in mythology. This class is right up my alley too because I love Greek mythology. Your corgi is so cute and I love that not only you have rescue dogs but also that their names are all mythology related. That is so original and creative. It sounds like you are very well traveled; are there any places you have not visited yet that are on your bucket list? Have a great semseter and I look forward to reading some of your stories!

  9. Wow! You’ve lived in many different places, and it sounds like you know a lot about mythology. Have you come across stories that you know of in this class?

    After reading that you would be going to grad school, I figured that you may choose being a professor. I believe that you’ll be a great professor. You’ll have stories to tell your students from your experience abroad and myth stories.

    Your dog looks adorable and playful!

  10. Oh my gosh, that is amazing that you have lived in so many cool places. I have never even moved outside of my house before. I get how you feel about school, I should have about four more years of schooling, but am excited for it. I love dogs too, but haven't gotten one while I have been at college and applaud you for doing so. That would be so much work, but also worth all of it I bet. Great to hear about all of what you like and look forward to reading your stories.

  11. I love your dogs names! It is so nice to meet you! I feel we have a lot in common as I also love dogs, reading and video games. I am very particular about what games I play thought and currently cannot stop playing Fall Out in my free time. Have you tried it? It's pretty fun. I think you are perfectly suited for this class considering your adoration of mythology. I am getting part of my degree in Classics and I just love the stories.

  12. Hi!
    Congrats on making it to your senior year!!
    It sounds like you know more about mythology then I do so I'm sure you are enjoying this class. I am very jealous of how many places you have lived.. My dad was in the army but retired two years after I was born, so I didn't get to move around. I absolutely love England and wanted to study abroad there. I never got the chance to study abroad and think it such an amazing program. Your brave for choosing Japan. I feel the language barrier would be quite difficult, how did you manage to get around?
    It's nice to meet you, and look forward to reading your work!

  13. Hi there Danica! I’m a senior to (FINALLY!) and after this semester I need one more language course and I can sleep for days, weeks…years…shoot give me four decades and I’ll be rested. I’m taking a break before grad school, to figure out some scholarship/money things. Plus, I’m wanting to go through the process of buying a house and getting a child adopted. I do hope to go back to school in August of next year (hopefully) I’m also debating on my graduate degree as I do see being a professor or teacher as a high possibility for me. I’m from Oklahoma (born and raised) and I don’t consider myself an Okie either, not because I have all this world traveling experience like you do. I just felt like I never quite fit into the okie way of life (if that makes any sense). You’re an incredibly lucky person to see such beautiful places. You also have a wide range of interests which I can understand and appreciate because I’m also the same way. I think that’s why I’m currently struggling with what I really want to do with my graduate degree.

  14. First off, I’m pretty pleased we’re in the same blog group this week, because I was planning on checking out one of your stories for extra commenting anyways after I enjoyed your “Jesus Christ Pro Skater” story so much last week.

    Like everyone else has said, it’s insanely wizard that you’ve lived so many places! Plus your dogs’ names are pretty much perfection (especially Anarchy Dog), haha. I’ve only got a hazy idea of what Dungeons and Dragons actually entails, though after watching through Stranger Things a couple of times, I’m definitely intrigued enough to do a little research on it. Anyways, I hope you’re enjoying this class so far—it sounds pretty much perfect for you—and I’m definitely looking forward to checking out your story!

  15. Hi, Danica! My mother was also an Air Force baby, and was born in Germany. I also have a Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Tucker as well! Anyway, it seems like you have a legitimate love for these kinds of things, so I'm really looking forward to reading your stories. These are always more fun when someone's heart is in it.

  16. Hey Danica! That is such a fascinating major to have. Have you ever second guessed having a different major? The reason I ask is because I have always wanted to go into the medical field so I have never changed my major (which is normally rare)! I love to travel too so since you have been able to go to all these places and even live there makes me envious. Your dog is so cute! I am an animal lover with a four month old kitty and a dog and cat at home! I am excited to read your stories since you already have a passion for them. Good luck!

  17. That is awesome that you had the opportunity to live in so many different places. I have studied abroad in Spain when I was in high school and I have traveled some outside of the US, but I have never lived anywhere else for more than a few months. I am a huge dog lover as well and used to have two german shepherds. My little is obsessed with corgis and every time I see one online I send her a picture. I don't know anybody that is an anthropology major, but I think that is awesome and such an interesting topic! Good luck in your journey through grad school!

  18. The fact that you have lived in England makes me so jealous! I went to London for two weeks and then traveled around England and Wales for a week this summer. I've got the bug and I'm ready to go back. I bet living in Japan was more challenging due to the language barrier, but that sounds like such an awesome adventure. I'm a dog person, too, and I agree that rescue dogs are the best! So many perfectly good dogs need homes and they deserve to be loved. Ana is so cute in your photos. I bet she's a lot of fun!

  19. Hi Danica,
    Thanks for sharing your dog with us, how cute! I also love dogs and I have two. I love cats as well though and I don't think I'll ever be able to call myself a dog person or a cat person. I don't know which I like more! It's very cool that you got to travel so much. I'm sure you had a lot of great experiences. Nice to meet you!

  20. Hello fellow dog lover! Your pup is such a cutie- I'm such a sucker for a cute dog. It's so cool that you have traveled so much! I have always wanted to travel to Germany. So cool that you have named all your dogs after mythological characters. You seem to love life and have many hobbies! Cant wait to read your stories.


  21. Danica! Your dog is adorable. I have three dogs and I love them all so much. Thanks for sharing pics of your sweet pup! It's so cool that you've gotten to travel so much. I was born in Sydney, Australia and I lived there until I was seven but I honestly haven't done much traveling outside of that. Japan seems like an especially fun place to visit. I've wanted to go for awhile now. It was so cool getting to hear a bit about you. I can't wait to read your stories!

  22. Hey Danica, nice to meet you!

    It’s cool that you’ve had the chance to live in so many different places. Especially England and Germany! Japan also sounds great, and I’d love to visit there myself one day! Which place did you like living the most?

    I love the names you chose for your dogs, especially Anarchy Dog. That’s awesome and Ana is adorable!

    Good luck with grad school!

  23. Hey Danica,
    I will be on my victory lap next year! I think that it is awesome that you got to live in different places. I was born in Oklahoma and haven't ever left. I have thought about leaving, but my family is mainly in Oklahoma so I always decide to stay. I have always wanted a German Shepard but I currently live in an apartment with a pet deposit that is ridiculous.

  24. Hey Danica!
    Nice to meet you! First off, this sounds like the perfect class for you! I think it is awesome that you have lived. so many places. I have always wondered what the hardest part of starting school in another country would be. To me, I feel like it would be the language gap. When you aren't doing school and living in cool places what is your favorite Netflix show to watch?

  25. Hey Danica,
    I bet you are enjoying this class since we are exposed to so many of the stories that you enjoy reading. I’m not a big fan of myths and fables so this is totally new to me but I’m starting to appreciate it more. Your corgi is so CUTE! My friend has a corgi as well and I love her. I think they are the cutest!
